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More awards from Silvur Pickle Baller Invitational!
Written by Rhian Horgan on November 14, 2023

Announcing the Silvur Pickle Baller Awards

In appreciation of the spirit, passion, grit and style of everyone who participated in the Silvur Pickle Baller Invitational, we recognize a few folks with some superlatives. Looking forward to next year!

🏆 Best Push Up/Victory Plank: Nick Evans, CURQL

🏆 Best Ready Position: RuthAnn Riggs, Constant 

🏆 Best Badminton Player on the Pickleball Court: Ashish Garg, Eltropy

🏆 Most Impressive Stretching Routine: Joseph Gracia, Nickels

🏆 Most Confused About Which Sport We Were Playing: Nick Evens and Jim Ryan, CURQL

🏆 Biggest Air: Kim Pearman-Gillman, Numerica

🏆 Most Athletic Grip (on his beer): Brian Lauer, Messick, Lauer & Smith

🏆 Most Silvur-tongued Commentators: Jonathan Taylor & Joshua Barclay, CU Sol

🏆 Fanciest Footwork: Rowan Hume, CURQL

🏆 Best Pickleball Form: Belinda Caillouet, Looking Glass

🏆 Best Last Minute Add: Chris Otey, CU 2.0

🏆 Best Custom Swag: Team Nymbus

🏆 Best At Keeping His Eye On The Ball: Ben Maxim, MSUFCU

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